Yumeji Art Museum

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Yumeji Art Museum (夢二郷土美術館 Yumeji Kyōdo Bijutsukan) is an art museum in Okayama Prefecture split between the Honkan in Okayama and the Yumeji Seika and Shonen Sanso built in Setouchi, the birthplace of Takehisa Yumeji.

The Yumeji Seika is the house where Takehisa grew up. It was converted into a museum in 1970. It was given official status as an art museum in 1979 and that same year the Shonen Sanso, a reconstruction of his Tokyo studio with the help of his son, Fujihiko Takehisa. The Shonen Sanso features many of Takehisa’s self-portraits and photography.


Screenshot of www.yumeji-art-museum.com

Name : Yumeji Art Museum

Category : Art


TEL : 086-271-1000

Area : Okayama (Chugoku)

Address : 2-1-32 Hama Nakaku Okayama-shi 703-8256
〒703-8256 岡山県岡山市中区浜2-1-32
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