Sakai City Museum

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Sakai City Museum (堺市博物館 Sakai-shi Hakubutsukan) is located within Daisen Park, in Sakai-ku, Sakai City, in Osaka Prefecture. The museum was opened in 1980, to commemorate the 90th anniversary of Sakai’s municipalization. The museum is curated by Susumu Nakanishi (Emeritus Professor at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies).

The museum showcases Sakai’s history from ancient times to the present day, featuring artifacts excavated from the Mozu Kofungun tumulus cluster, goods and historical documents remaining from Sakai’s period of high trade as an autonomous city, and works by Sakai-born artists, including Sen-no-Rikyu, Yosano Akiko and Kawai Suimei. The museum attracted much attention when it first opened for its exhibit featuring a reenacted voice montage of historical figures with a connection to Sakai, such as Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu, and Sen-no-Rikyu.


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Name : Sakai City Museum

Category : Culture/History

Website :

TEL : 072-245-6201

Area : Osaka (Kansai)

Address : 2 Mozusekiun-cho Sakai-ku Sakai-shi 590-0802
〒590-0802 大阪府堺市堺区百舌鳥夕雲町2丁 大仙公園内
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