Meiji Jingu

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Meiji Shrine (明治神宮 Meiji Jingū), located in Shibuya, Tokyo, is the Shinto shrine that is dedicated to the deified spirits of Emperor Meiji and his wife, Empress Shōken. The shrine does not contain the emperor’s grave, which is located at Fushimi-momoyama south of Kyoto.

After the emperor’s death in 1912, the Japanese Diet passed a resolution to commemorate his role in the Meiji Restoration. An iris garden in an area of Tokyo where Emperor Meiji and Empress Shōken had been known to visit was chosen as the building’s location.

明治神宮 / Richard, enjoy my life!


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Name : Meiji Jingu

Category : Culture/History

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TEL : 03-3379-5875

Area : Tokyo (Kanto)

Address : 1-1 Yoyogikamizono-cho Shibuya-ku 151-8557
〒151-8557 東京都渋谷区代々木神園町1-1
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