Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum

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The Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum (福井県立恐竜博物館 Fukui Ken-ritsu Kyōryū Hakubutsukan) is a dinosaur museum located in the city of Katsuyama, Fukui Prefecture, Japan. It is one of Japan’s many museums which are supported by a prefecture.

In addition to being the only dedicated dinosaur museum in all of Japan, it is one of the “World’s Three Great Dinosaur Museums” along with the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in Canada and the Zigong Dinosaur Museum in China. The museum signed a sister museum agreement with the Royal Tyrrell Museum on November 23, 2000, and contains some exhibits from the museum.


Screenshot of www.dinosaur.pref.fukui.jp

Name : Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum

Category : Culture/History

Website : http://www.dinosaur.pref.fukui.jp/en/

TEL : 0779-88-0001

Area : Fukui (Koshienetsu)

Address : 51-11 Terao Muroko-cho Katsuyama 911-8601
〒911-8601 福井県勝山市村岡町寺尾51-11
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